
Showing posts from August, 2015

Commercial Restroom Tile Cleaning, Marketing Strategy

Commercial Restroom Tile Cleaning, Marketing Strategy No, i am not talking about daily,weekly, monthly type restroom cleaning like swisher/cintas.  Selling commercial tile and grout cleaning packages similar to carpet cleaning packages. 2x,4x,6 year or monthly.Restrooms are just the value proposition to get you there. Ask any building manager if they have interest in a tile and grout cleaning bid and the answer is we really do not have any and they are not dirty anyways. But if you ask that same manager if they have interest in “steam cleaning” and sealing their restroom tile, or sanitizing their restroom. THEN they want to learn more. #1 complaint at every building in america is restroom cleanliness, carpet appearance is far down the list and barely in top ten. Now take that number and take into account nobody is doing it and now you have a good match up you can win, the probabilities are now in your favor. You can also  use it as a cross-selling opportunity to c...

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Landing Page

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Landing Page, What Is a Landing Page? Basically its a webpage you send leads to learn more information about your company, more info on a specific subject and/or schedule an estimate or appointment. What kinds? 1.Page separate from your website and is only 1 page. Most are set up simple to solicit a quick response. An example might be you want to focus an adwords campaign just about floor stripping and waxing for construction projects. So you would buy a domain name and create 1 simple page with info about floor stripping and waxing construction projects and a request estimate form with an option to go on your main website. 2. The other option is create a page on your website and/or send link to a specific page on your website. Where can you use them? Facebook, adword campaigns, linkedin,  b-card, postcard, sales letters. ANY way you market to commercial leads. WHY? This way you can create very specific value propositions for very specific prospects, be a...

Think about using targeted marketing campaigns

Lets face it, most of us can’t afford a big boy advertising campaign with radio/tv ads to cover a metro area. So,what should be our starting point? A small, specific target that you can afford to hit every single month. 5k to 10k households max. For research you can go to at the post office Nobody can tell you who to target, have to do some research and carve out a manageable group of households not population but households. Areas with good paying jobs is a start. Use some common sense, people who make $30k a year can’t afford camacho rates of $400 a year to clean. How? EVERYTHING you can afford for that target consistently for the next 12 months 1. EDDM 2. Coupon mailers 3. Adwords 4. door hangers 5. website- local seo 6. any potential 3rd party referral source you can think of (use common sense only millionaires use interior decorators) realtors, maid service, plumbing, window washers anybody who services that neig...

Commercial Carpet Cleaning- Marketing Campaign Template

Commercial Carpet Cleaning- Marketing Campaign Template Before spending the $$, simply write down what your goal is, time frame, description, messages, pictures, ROI standard, etc. and, and most importantly the set of actions you will take and frequency schedule. All you need is a pencil and paper. Map out a PLAN. They can be as large or small as you choose. EXAMPLE: Description: Generate more referrals from current customers ______________________________________________________________________________ Objective: A. generate more sales from customer referrals B. stay in contact with current customers C. plant the seed for future referrals ______________________________________________________________________________ Campaign: Offer all current customers $20 gift card to refer new business Geography: All service areas Time: 12 months Why: to generate more sales $$ How: through direct mail postcards and email Size: current database of 1000 active customers Specs A .- Email 2 simp...

Using A Texting Strategy For Commercial Carpet Cleaning Leads

Using A Texting Strategy For Commercial Carpet Cleaning Leads Using A Texting Strategy For Commercial Carpet Cleaning Leads

Working ON your business story

Working ON your commercial carpet cleaning business story.  Careers on different paths A crew of workmen was repairing railroad tracks one hot day when an approaching train brought their job to a temporary halt. The train ground to a stop, and an executive stepped out of the last car. Dave, the crew leader, recognized the speaker. “Jim! It’s great to see you!” They shook hands and chatted for a few minutes, and then the executive returned to the train. As the train started moving away, one of the workmen asked, “Wasn’t that the CEO of the railroad? How do you know him?”   “We started working for this railroad together 23 years ago,” Dave explained.   “So how come he’s the boss and you’re out here in the hot sun?”   “Well,” Dave said, “I guess I went to work for 10 bucks an hour and Jim went to work for the railroad.” Method Clean Solution Center Building !deas Newsletter h...

Adults: Make time to have fun

Adults: Make time to have fun Play isn’t just for children. You may not be picking sides for dodge ball or jumping rope at recess, but as an adult, you need some playtime to relieve stress, keep your mind sharp, and stay physically fit. Try these simple ideas for putting play into your life:   • Play games. Host a regular night or weekend with family and friends. Play cards, board games, and interactive games like charades or Dungeons & Dragons.   • Go out with co-workers. Join in after-work activities with others in your organization. You don’t always have to go to the bar; suggest bowling or a game of miniature golf.   • Get a pet. Playing with a dog or cat can be relaxing and fun.   • Find playful friends. Expand your network to include some positive-minded people who like to try new things.   • Take up a hobby. Get involved in something that will exercise your mind and body—magic, square dancing, amateur th...

Put your attitude to work

Put your attitude to work Business success is an ongoing journey, not a destination.   You’ve got to show up every day and concentrate consistently on the activities that lead to achievement.   You can keep moving forward from goal to goal by practicing three fundamental strategies:   • Focus on the bright side. Emphasize what you genuinely enjoy about your job and the people you work with, and express your gratification as much as you can.   • Turn negatives into positives. Don’t obsess over obstacles and setbacks. Treat failures as an opportunity to spot mistakes and moveforward.   • Move quickly. Don’t waste time when you’ve got a problem to solve or an idea to put into action. A rapid response gets attention and builds excitement. Put your attitude to work

Commercial Carpet Cleaning- Property Managers

Targeting Commercial Property Managers- Which One? We see the term used all the time but newer people to the commercial market dont realize there is several different kinds. They all have different needs, different value propositions. Apartment Complexes – cheap ~ Non-Profit- usually for disabled, juvenile, senior can be 1 building or independent homes/apartments Military – dont have any experience Class A office space- full service meaning the tenant pays one price and PM provides everything usually multi-story types with the highest quality materials like real wood, stone, etc. Class A office space – cleaning not included, usually 1 story types but not always Class B- same as A but use cheaper materials and provide less service Misc Landlords- just like carpet cleaners, tons and tons of landlords that own 1 or 2 properties be careful ; Office Parks – lots of distributors, manufacturing, medical but can be anything. Usually they have a theme and tenant handle...
Try Google’s innovation strategy Google is known for its innovation, having grown from a simple search engine to an Internet behemoth. How does it spur and support creativity throughout its workforce? Here’s the strategy as laid out on the Think With Google website: • Establish a clear mission. The entire organization should know what you’re working toward, and why it’s important.   • Start small. You may have huge ambitions, but set realistic goals to begin. Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and commit to hard work in order to accomplish anything worthwhile.   • Strive for progress, not perfection. You’ll make mistakes. When an idea doesn’t work out, study what happened and then move on.   • Cast a wide net. Don’t limit yourself to your own organization or industry when seeking out ideas for new products or procedures. Look everywhere and keep an open mind.   • Share information. Creativity an...

Are You Using Fiber ID In Commercial Sales

Are You Using The “Burn Test” For Sales/Marketing? WHY NOT? Actually fiber ID but thats one way how to identify. Every cleaner is 1. Quality 2. Professional 3. Wants to separate from the “hacks” So show them! Now whenever someone calls you can ask what fiber it is made of. They wont know unless its “berber” or sometimes wool. Regardless if you give estimates on phone/home you can now say we have to identify the fiber before giving specific service recommendations. Make up a sell sheet for each fiber with a casual, short (not technical) overview of the fiber they have. Bullet points on the common characteristics and specific service recommendations for THAT fiber. Just keep sell sheets in your book and staple the one they have to the estimate. With links to your website for even more info if they are interested. People always ask why is this happening? Well, its made of olefin and these are the characteristics of olefin. These are the common challenges...