Think about using targeted marketing campaigns
Lets face it, most of us can’t afford a big boy advertising campaign with radio/tv ads to cover a metro area.
So,what should be our starting point? A small, specific target that you can afford to hit every single month.
5k to 10k households max.
For research you can go to at the post office
Nobody can tell you who to target, have to do some research and carve out a manageable group of households not population but households. Areas with good paying jobs is a start.
Use some common sense, people who make $30k a year can’t afford camacho rates of $400 a year to clean.
How? EVERYTHING you can afford for that target consistently for the next 12 months
2. Coupon mailers
3. Adwords
4. door hangers
5. website- local seo
6. any potential 3rd party referral source you can think of (use common sense only millionaires use interior decorators)
realtors, maid service, plumbing, window washers anybody who services that neighborhood.
7. social media
8. Whatever else you can think of that is free or inexpensive. If you do a search here you will find all kinds of little nichee type stuff that is cheap and effective for targeted groups.
9. networking
10. fill in blank
This is the easiest way to learn, its just too hard with all these options we have today. Break it down to a # you can manage.
Then you can keep track of real life numbers and know for fact which are your best investments for the next 5-10k households.
Think about using targeted marketing campaigns
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