Are You Using Fiber ID In Commercial Sales

Are You Using The “Burn Test” For Sales/Marketing?

Actually fiber ID but thats one way how to identify.

Every cleaner is

1. Quality

2. Professional

3. Wants to separate from the “hacks”

So show them!

Now whenever someone calls you can ask what fiber it is made of. They wont know unless its “berber” or sometimes wool. Regardless if you give estimates on phone/home you can now say we have to identify the fiber before giving specific service recommendations.

Make up a sell sheet for each fiber with a casual, short (not technical) overview of the fiber they have. Bullet points on the common characteristics and specific service recommendations for THAT fiber.

Just keep sell sheets in your book and staple the one they have to the estimate.

With links to your website for even more info if they are interested.

People always ask why is this happening?

Well, its made of olefin and these are the characteristics of olefin. These are the common challenges and our solutions. This is why you have that traffic lane ….


Are You Using Fiber ID In Commercial Sales


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